فى هذا الموضوع سوف اقدم لكم قائمة باهم مواقع النشر والاشهار لمواقع ومدونات الانترنت والتى تعرف باسم social bookmarking sites list والتى تساعد على ارشفة الموقع او المدونة وايضا تساعد على زيادة الرانك للموقع فى محركات البحث حيث يمكنك باستخدامها احتلال النتائج الاولى فى محركات البحث جوجل وبينج وغيرها من محركات البحث كما تساعدك هذه القائمة فى زيادة البيج رانك لموقعك او مدونتك وهذا الموضوع هو هام جدا لكل صاحب موقع او مدونة اقدمة لكم اليوم مجانا .
تم ترتيب المواقع فى القائمة على حسب بيج رانك الموقع وترتيب الموقع فى الكسيا واليكم القائمة :
مواقع النشر | بيج رانك (6-7-8) | ترتيب الكسيا |
Google+ | 9 | NA |
Pinterest | 9 | 27 |
Tumblr | 8 | 34 |
Examiner | 8 | 505 |
Google.com bookmarks | 8 | 2000 |
Reddit | 8 | 61 |
Citeulike | 8 | 13,111 |
Friendfeed | 8 | 1,231 |
Delicious | 8 | 1,321 |
Slashdot | 7 | 1,568 |
Newsvine | 7 | 3,432 |
Technorati | 7 | 2,121 |
Digg | 7 | 494 |
Fark.com | 7 | 2,145 |
Diigo | 7 | 2,321 |
Scoop | 7 | 24,432 |
Folkd | 6 | 2,001 |
wwwhatsnew | 6 | 6,171 |
Svejo | 6 | 17,132 |
Pearltrees | 6 | 4,211 |
Blinklist | 6 | 6,243 |
Dzone | 6 | 2,434 |
Squidoo | 6 | 865 |
Metafilter | 6 | 3,212 |
Allvoices | 6 | 3,543 |
مواقع النشر | بيج رانك (3-4-5) | ترتيب الكسيا |
Ebaumsworld | 5 | 3,977 |
Soup | 5 | 7,152 |
Bizsugar | 5 | 10,412 |
Dotnetkicks.com/ | 5 | 1,689 |
Pinboard | 5 | 27,208 |
Blogmarks | 5 | 30,638 |
It.toolbox | 5 | 31,474 |
Kirtsy | 5 | 32,208 |
Diggita | 5 | 32,208 |
Designbump | 5 | 36,053 |
Pusha | 5 | 39,536 |
Killerstartups | 5 | 42,772 |
It.toolbox | 5 | 78,565 |
Bloombergcurrent | 5 | 307 |
Youmob | 4 | 7,527 |
Jodohkita | 4 | 12,999 |
Dealigg | 4 | 13,586 |
Linkroll | 4 | 13,823 |
Registertovotetoday | 4 | 21,244 |
Lintas | 4 | 21,622 |
Blogengage | 4 | 24,782 |
1888Pressrelease | 4 | 25,831 |
Mx1.Webmastershowcase | 4 | 47,784 |
A1-webmarks | 4 | 49,197 |
Colivia | 4 | 49,356 |
Blogospherenews | 4 | 53,861 |
Factson37 | 4 | 68,691 |
Shetoldme | 4 | 72,425 |
Linkatopig | 4 | 94,958 |
Ngopost | 4 | 104,147 |
Excesssolutions | 4 | 108,197 |
Techsfordummies | 4 | 108,197 |
Freelink | 4 | 112,533 |
Panodigg | 4 | 126,698 |
Spletarna | 4 | 137,737 |
Bookmark4you | 3 | 12,117 |
Newsmeback | 3 | 10,855 |
Designfloat | 3 | 14,754 |
Yemle | 3 | 14,868 |
Designmoo | 3 | 16,232 |
Bb3b | 3 | 18,496 |
Milocalbuilder | 3 | 23,120 |
Socialmonkee | 3 | 26,624 |
Mysitevote | 3 | 29,691 |
Zabox | 3 | 30,988 |
Blokube | 3 | 35,305 |
Prbookmarks | 3 | 43,905 |
Bmaccess | 3 | 81,066 |
Pulsimo | 3 | 81,847 |
Pr4links | 3 | 100,675 |
Askeet.com | 3 | 117,116 |
Biolocator | 3 | 119,580 |
Design | 3 | 124,555 |
Craftjuice | 3 | 137,560 |
Linkr | 3 | 140,818 |
Abcphp | 3 | 159,558 |
Addictionaire | 3 | 163,067 |
Indianscoop | 3 | 171,093 |
Adviceblogs | 3 | 187,529 |
Bildu | 3 | 196,204 |
Beijingessential | 3 | 209,496 |
Bronxhigh | 3 | 216,099 |
Broadscalegroup | 3 | 241,801 |
Brocandswap | 3 | 252,581 |
Fazed | 3 | 288,277 |
Yenile | 3 | 315,046 |
Canadiancurrent | 3 | 326,239 |
مواقع النشر | بيج رانك (0-1-2) | ترتيب الكسيا |
Sitejot | 2 | 12,956 |
Akonter | 2 | 13,871 |
Postolia | 2 | 14,238 |
4bukmark | 1 | 14,609 |
Storeboard | 2 | 16,217 |
Acymca | 2 | 21,214 |
Sfcsf | 2 | 23,997 |
Indofeed | 2 | 24,870 |
Business-planet | 2 | 31,110 |
Etioling | 2 | 37,053 |
Jlegalecon | 2 | 37,564 |
Jreyscope | 2 | 40,645 |
Elenavoce | 2 | 48,592 |
Blurpalicious | 2 | 50,589 |
Pligg | 1 | 51,363 |
Spider-robot | 2 | 75,339 |
Linkzroll | 1 | 84,653 |
Frameyournews | 2 | 88,256 |
Tourdion | 2 | 92,603 |
Asrona | 1 | 95,007 |
Blogmafia | 2 | 97,181 |
Manchfu | 2 | 113,893 |
Taggingkit | 2 | 115,846 |
Thetogbox | 2 | 121,596 |
Klicknews | 2 | 136,826 |
Socialwebmarks | 1 | 152,492 |
Augmentedviews | 2 | 180,614 |
Blogsvine | 2 | 188,691 |
What-is-internet | 2 | 196,620 |
Linkmegoszto.domain-tarhely | 2 | 197,167 |
Kodai-flow | 2 | 203,374 |
Thekviz | 2 | 204,162 |
Timejoob | 2 | 220,887 |
Urlsnoop | 2 | 365,802 |
Adbookingonline | 2 | 402,042 |
Orgaliz | 2 | 434,030 |
Psynet | 2 | 455,725 |
Izeby | 2 | 515,477 |
Thealestore | 2 | 559,227 |
Thepcanswers | 2 | 720,356 |
Openfaves | 2 | NA |
Addthismark | 2 | NA |
Nichegp | 2 | 738,236 |
Newsocialbooks.com | 0 | 27,857 |
Coolpot | 1 | 31,967 |
Bookmarkbay | 1 | 35,377 |
Newsvoting | 1 | 39,166 |
Bookmarktou | 1 | 40,159 |
Video-bookmark | 1 | 45,070 |
Storymint | 1 | 46,184 |
Popzu | 1 | 46,642 |
Mettablog | 1 | 49,174 |
Pqrnews | 1 | 66,312 |
Swapmylink | 1 | 71,716 |
Dekut.com | 1 | 81,386 |
Gvbookmarks | 1 | 88,650 |
Worthbookmarking | 1 | 89,175 |
Socialbookmarkzone | 1 | 93,470 |
Bookmarkgroups | 1 | 94,572 |
Votetags | 1 | 98,847 |
Newsciti | 1 | 99,561 |
Bookmarkwiki | 1 | 104,228 |
Socialbookmarknow | 1 | 111,583 |
Openwebmarks | 1 | 105,840 |
Tiltzero | 1 | 105,696 |
Bookmarkinghost | 1 | 107,225 |
Greateststory | 1 | 108,983 |
Ewebmarks | 1 | 109,372 |
Freesbmblog | 1 | 109,461 |
Bookmarks2u | 1 | 110,518 |
Followmenow | 1 | 120,328 |
Cenq | 1 | 128,472 |
Backlinkstate | 1 | 150,375 |
Seobookmarkingsites | 1 | 166,797 |
Livewebmarks | 1 | 167,181 |
Bookmarkingbiz | 1 | 173,235 |
Bookmarkfeeds | 1 | 181,436 |
Medical-articles | 1 | 239,197 |
Whotours | 1 | 325,711 |
Academyig | 1 | Na |
Bendicemt | 1 | NA |
Indexhood | 1 | NA |
Subbmitt | 1 | 111,649 |
Activebookmarks | 1 | 112,575 |
Seo4bookmarks | 1 | 131,935 |
Pagesocial | 1 | 145,744 |
Shinymarker | 1 | 159,922 |
iPopu | 1 | 160,462 |
Seosubmitbookmark | 1 | 162,048 |
Bookmarkmaps | 1 | 165,099 |
Socialbookmarkden | 1 | 217,528 |
Digg-digg | 1 | 295,391 |
Xbangkok | 1 | 328,498 |
Jeqq | 1 | 340,433 |
Urselections | 1 | 353,426 |
Whitneysegura | 1 | 602,275 |
Earnersclub | 1 | 604,865 |
Dig | 1 | NA |
Scrapees | 1 | |
Heritageweb | 1 | 421,224 |
Webdevunlimited | 1 | 430,671 |
Klitschkoblog | 1 | 543,062 |
Gametours | 1 | 842,392 |
Nfer | 1 | NA |
Ecoledu | 1 | NA |
Eggig | 1 | NA |
Trompyx | 1 | NA |
Bookmarkgalaxy | 1 | NA |
Mediasitedirectory | 1 | 996,387 |
Globalbookmarking.com | 0 | 28,648 |
Globalbookmarking.com | 0 | 32,755 |
Soopernews.com | 0 | 36,782 |
Socialbookmarkingonline.com | 0 | 37,624 |
Bookmarkee | 0 | 42,750 |
Addstory.co.uk | 0 | 126,490 |
Friendlybookmarking.com | 0 | 126,565 |
Kojaxx | 0 | 257,012 |
Hot-bookmarks | 0 | 291,184 |
Webmaster911 | 0 | 293,609 |
Goardian | 0 | 410,875 |
Pisocietyllc | 0 | 35,859 |
Bookmarkingforever | 0 | 30,735 |
Bookmarkitnow | 0 | 42,321 |
Bookmarkseed | 0 | 48,087 |
Topnewslinks | 0 | 52,603 |
Papua-expedition | 0 | 31,559 |
Steambeta | 0 | 47,112 |
5Prbookmarks | 0 | 28,729 |
Weblinkr | 0 | 21,294 |
Webbacklinkz | 0 | 49,791 |
2Bukmark | 0 | 47,234 |
Digforlink | 0 | 50,305 |
Omega-intercept | 0 | 48,877 |
Legal-mentoring | 0 | 42,338 |
Kojaxx | 0 | 23,766 |
Social-key | 0 | 41,842 |
Bllig | 0 | 40,547 |
Bookmarkexplore | 0 | 51,851 |
999Central | 0 | 30,383 |
Skyseobookmarks | 0 | 50,613 |
Aneasylink | 0 | 42,3456 |
Bookmarkjet | 0 | 45,321 |
Dmlm | 0 | 47,887 |
Nimepo | 0 | 62,709 |
Bookmarkingsearch | 0 | 594,662 |
Keeeper | 0 | 41,584 |
Bbrz | 0 | 76,432 |
Termlinking | 0 | 71,685 |
Analyzebookmarks | 0 | 68,345 |
Tempatsubmit | 0 | 64,384 |
Gratissubmik | 0 | 65,234 |
Reviewyoursite | 0 | 73,151 |
Topnewslinks | 0 | 52,603 |
Liveurlinks | 0 | 52,480 |
Akhrimanzil | 0 | 46,395 |
Interfacephysics | 0 | 81,345 |
Kwoff | 0 | 62,543 |
Justpep | 0 | 87,982 |
Populerdunia | 0 | 99,785 |
Looksgoodonu | 0 | 115,217 |
Backlinkleader | 0 | 76,545 |
Yesdig | 0 | 75,809 |
Zanybands | 0 | 92,488 |
Againlinks | 0 | 92,765 |
Bookmarkswing | 0 | 93,277 |
Luislauro | 0 | 55,610 |
Sixhe | 0 | 123,432 |
Bookmarktagspot | 0 | 128,772 |
Bookmarkingnetwork | 0 | 194,774 |
Namebookmarks | 0 | 123,850 |
Bookmarkstuff | 0 | 121,561 |
Bookmarksfinder | 0 | 97,265 |
Bloooogle | 0 | 99,888 |
Newnewvague | 0 | 147,594 |
Bookmarksplaza | 0 | 75,771 |
Noconcept | 0 | 67,876 |
Moretreat | 0 | 105,423 |
Setbookmark | 0 | 169,204 |
Bookmarkcart | 0 | 131,335 |
Bookmarkcast | 0 | 128,762 |
Bookmarkcart | 0 | 124,328 |
Emusar | 0 | 121,230 |
Viplas | 0 | 122,275 |
Nordamerique | 0 | 113,415 |
Blogtack | 0 | 107,233 |
Extractbookmarks | 0 | 129,910 |
Bookmarkdiary | 0 | 127,023 |
Weekbase | 0 | 238,609 |
Gamesbookmark | 0 | 112,345 |
Bookmarks.wedigg | 0 | 99,785 |
URLsuggest | 0 | 87,601 |
Superzh | 0 | 388,171 |
Popjq | 0 | 63,943 |
Terrybains | 0 | 269,776 |
Linksin | 0 | 263,241 |
Bookmarkwhirl | 0 | 142,146 |
Book-marky | 0 | 94,452 |
Koreantopnews | 0 | 437,077 |
Motorut | 0 | 98,980 |
Keplaza | 0 | 423,212 |
Zondac | 0 | 187,774 |
Eproyecto | 0 | 327,615 |
Bookmarkbid | 0 | 201,398 |
Bookmarkrally | 0 | 194,474 |
Linkvote | 0 | 168,217 |
Zippe | 0 | 286,313 |
Bookmarkmovers | 0 | 295,917 |
Bookmarkone | 0 | 219,767 |
Bookmarkslogin | 0 | 187,721 |
Bookmarkdeal | 0 | 156,334 |
Socialbookmarkiseasy | 0 | 113,636 |
Dreamfocused | 0 | 110,234 |
Ohter | 0 | 287,307 |
Bookmarksky | 0 | 122,540 |
Indiaarievip | 0 | 41,403 |
Socbookmarking | 0 | 180,112 |
iOch | 0 | 196,543 |
Biqboq | 0 | 229,023 |
Bookmarkinbox | 0 | 198,324 |
Bookmarkmaps | 0 | 148,462 |
Enrollbookmarks | 0 | 174,428 |
Bookmarkscoop | 0 | 107,422 |
Bsocialbookmarking | 0 | 179,234 |
Hotbookmarking | 0 | 174,803 |
Spicybookmark | 0 | 218,876 |
Jessore24radio | 0 | 167,430 |
Bookmarkinghost | 0 | 177,217 |
Bookmarktalk | 0 | 150,834 |
Bookmarkfollow | 0 | 122,872 |
Application-strategy | 0 | 95,207 |
Speedfed | 0 | 158,721 |
Dealitem | 0 | 93,267 |
Bookmarkingbiz | 0 | 159,334 |
Bookmarkingbiz | 0 | 169,760 |
Promotebookmarks | 0 | 161,654 |
Bookmarktheme | 0 | 140,136 |
Drikdir | 0 | 97,265 |
Bookmarkdiary | 0 | 133,729 |
Urlscores | 0 | 99,887 |
Portal | 0 | 163,080 |
Dig4link | 0 | 92,534 |
Featuredbookmarks | 0 | 162,345 |
Midhmar | 0 | 155,025 |
Bookmarkinghost | 0 | 152,876 |
Seezlinking | 0 | 687 |
Diggit | 0 | 104,615 |
Webinnews | 0 | 142,309 |
Stictactest | 0 | 93,227 |
Wstoolz | 0 | 125,321 |
Raindy | 0 | 94,775 |
Fmlnews | 0 | 61,070 |
Diggbook | 0 | 60,471 |
Bookmarkingconnect | 0 | 93,277 |
iNdexmarks | 0 | 73,023 |
Paie | 0 | 78,591 |
Kannikar | 0 | 37,348 |
Swiftbookmarks | 0 | 86,862 |
Redrez | 0 | 37,341 |
Makebookmarks | 0 | 54,269 |
Recyclespot | 0 | 52,690 |
Placelinks | 0 | 30,098 |
Highprbookmarks | 0 | 54,328 |
Linkslist | 0 | 53,386 |
iAbb | 0 | 0683 |
Pr5link2hit | 0 | 58,685 |
Pongrank | 0 | 46,187 |
Marklinks | 0 | 54,324 |
Wildcatcorner | 0 | 60,983 |
Pl-r | 0 | 37,940 |
Efrum | 0 | 54,140 |
Socialwebsubmitter | 0 | 59,065 |
Scse | 0 | 54,231 |
Bookmarkbuild | 0 | 58,868 |
Pfbuzz | 0 | 35,907 |
Buzzingtopics | 0 | 35,837 |
Tatacomm-ts | 0 | 33,171 |
Ashbookmarks | 0 | 248,619 |
3 تعليقات
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